Karla Knauff

Jun 15, 2017Doodle Interviews1 comment

This series is my favorite on my blog – I love artist interviews so it’s really fun for me to put a spin on my own version! This month’s guest is Karla Knauff, she’s an awesome person and fantastic artist.

Greetings! I am an artist from Zelienople, Pennsylvania (a small town outside of Pittsburgh.) I love living in a small city that encourages art and culture to thrive. I grew up in a family that encouraged my interest in art. I was surrounded by a large array of music, art, and positive vibes. I am a music lover and enjoy outdoor activities and making friends, of course. I always knew I wanted to run down a creative path, so I attended The Art Institute of Pittsburgh and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design. I am currently working in the field and loving every minute of it!

Where do you create your artwork?

Anywhere comfy. A lot of times I will make a nest on my bed or my couch, I’ve even been known to lay out in the grass somewhere and let it flow.

What do you listen to while creating your art?

Music! What I am drawing is usually affected by the type of music I’m hearing. If the melodies are upbeat and fast paced (i.e. Big Gigantic, Red Hot Chili Peppers,70’s Disco jams, etc) I’ll end up with something colorful and vibrant. If Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin are filling my room, I will more than likely be drawing a black and white portrait, something with deeper feelings.

What does “being creative” mean to you?

Being creative, to me means being able to express whatever is going on in your noggin. Sometimes you can feel the colors and shapes in your fingertips and you have to just let it out on paper. Being creative means not being afraid to let it out and share with the world. You never know who else is out there with the same thoughts and feelings. Creating art is a great way to connect with others who can feel that. Being creative is a way for me to personally connect with people.

What creative medium would you love to pursue but haven’t yet?

I would like to explore screen-printing. I love the graphic blocks of shapes and color.

What’s your favorite quote?

“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.” I heard that quote shortly after a solo night drive in the rain. I put my window down and let my arm hang out of the window and felt the cold, hard rain hitting my skin. It was a pretty spiritual event in my life. It was a moment when I realized I am on this earth and life is going on all around me. It was when I started really living in the moment and enjoying the little things that life has to offer, instead of floating around waiting for happiness to come to me. Bob Marley knows what he’s talking about.

What’s your favorite color?

I am always drawn to purple. I’ve been told by people that I even have a purple aura, yay!

What’s your favorite thing to draw?

People. I like capturing expressions and feeling through the human figure and face.

What artist (dead or alive) would you want to chat and have a drink with? and why?

Brandon Boyd. He is the lead singer of one of my favorite bands, Incubus. I love his spirit. I feel like I understand his soul by the art he creates. He also writes so beautifully. Some of the things he says really resonate with the inner workings of my mind. I feel like having a coffee with him would make my head explode into a million pieces of clouds, colors, and swirly pretty things.

What’s your favorite social media platform? Why is it your favorite?

Instagram. I am not a fan of social media so you won’t find me on Facebook or twitter, but I do love Instagram. Mostly because it’s visually based and it’s all about pictures, art and inspiration.

If you had 30 free minutes for yourself, what would you do? (It can’t be art or job related)

Sit in a tree. Listening to nature, feeling the gritty bark and breathing the fresh air is like a reboot for the mind.

To see more of Karla’s work, check out:

Karla’s website

Karla’s etsy shop

Karla’s Instagram

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