Clarifying my Focus
Since I started this blog last year, I’ve blogged about graphic and web design a lot. I’ve also created several round-ups of tools I like, fonts I like to use, and many others. I spent a lot of time in January thinking about what I want and what work makes me excited. While I love design and don’t want to stop doing it completely, I don’t get excited about it anymore. Not only that, but I don’t like spending hours on my computer every day. That’s why I’m writing this post, starting this month I’ll be switching gears a little.

I’m going to spend more time on my artwork and focus my writing about it. I want to talk about artists I admire, reviewing art books, my progress and latest pieces, and much more. Side note: I’m continuing the Doodle Interview series!
This change in focus is not only about not wanting to talk about design; I was trying to focus on too many things. This meant I wasn’t really excited about anything because I couldn’t focus only on one thing. When I was focusing on design, I felt guilty for not working on my artwork and vice versa. Now that I’ve given myself permission to focus on one and not feel guilty about it – I am excited!
That doesn’t mean that I will never discuss anything design related on the blog! I am still taking on new graphic design and web design projects, even though that’s not the focus of my blog. If you have questions or would like to work together please contact me!
Is there something you’d like to see here on the blog that fits this new direction? Let me know in the comments! I love hearing what you like and want to see more of!