Paper Mice Halloween Decorations That Anyone Can Make

It’s that time of year! I don’t know about you but I love fall and Halloween! Before I hadn’t decorated for Halloween because I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on decorations. This year I wanted to decorate but not buy expensive Halloween decorations. I’ve found affordable ways to create unique decorations thanks to Pinterest!
The only downside to creating all the decorations by hand is that it is time consuming. The silver lining is that you can save the decorations and reuse most of them! It just comes down to personal preference of saving time or saving money!
Today I will show you the mice silhouettes I made for our staircase, baseboards and doorways! You can draw your own mice and cut them out, but I decided to save time and go with a template. I used this one from Martha Stewart which I found on Pinterest.

You can use normal printer paper for your mice but I decided to use black poster board. (I had some leftover from another Halloween project.) By using thicker paper it makes it easier to take down the mice and reuse them next year.
What I did:
- Printed out mice template and cut out the critters
- Traced them onto the black poster board
- Cut out the poster board mice
- Taped them to the walls, baseboards and stairs! (PRO TIP: I made tape holes out of painters tape to attach the mice so paint won’t peel off when I take the mice down.)
This was a pretty simple way to create decorations that didn’t break the bank! To make the project go by faster, I put on an episode of IZombie and watched that while I cut out my mice. I love when I can watch tv and still be productive!

(Please excuse that sad state of my staircase! Our house is a bit of a fixer upper and the stairs being redone are low on the list of never ending tasks!)
Do you buy or make your Halloween decorations? I’d love to know what you do in the comments below!