On Our Wedding Anniversary, New Sinks, & Breakfast for Dinner

Sep 29, 2016Lifestyle0 comments

My husband and I recently celebrated our two year wedding anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married for two years! It feels like yesterday we planning the wedding and two whole years have gone by! Sometimes it feels like we aren’t real adults with a house and jobs, it feels like we are kids pretending to be adults. Does anyone else feel like that? I hope the feeling never goes away!

Since we got married, we bought a fixer upper farm house and adopted our dog. We’ve also traveled a bit, but we’ve invested a lot of time and energy into the house. So it seems fitting that on our anniversary, my husband installed a new sink in our guest bathroom.

As you can see, the bathroom is still a work in progress.

We realized a long time ago that we aren’t the type of couple that gets dressed up and goes to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, it’s just not our style. We’d much rather eat breakfast for dinner and watch TV together.

If I had to give a piece of advice for any couple, it would be to be yourself. I’ve seen couples break up because they thought being themselves wasn’t good enough or the other person wouldn’t like it. If you are serious about the relationship, being honest and open with your partner will only make your relationship stronger.

How do you celebrate your anniversaries or special occasions? Let me know in the comments below!

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